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Residential Painting - Interior & Exterior

Painting homes is about creating impressions and we go great lengths to ensure this with excellent craftsmanship. A lot of preparation goes in before a paint job. We inspect and identify areas that require extra attention. We ensure that walls are sanded between coats; trims are sanded; nail holes are filled and sanded and joints are fixed and caulked.

We have expertise in interior and exterior painting for all kinds of residential projects. When it comes to paint, we get it right the first time. With our wealth of knowledge and experience in painting, we pride ourselves of the fact that we finish with beautiful smooth walls, no spills, no drips or misses.

Commercial Painting - Interior & Exterior

We have your painting solutions for commercial projects of any size and capacity. Our commercial painting expertise has led us to establishing experience in a vast range and scale of projects and developments. YYC Prestige Painting is a preferred commercial painting contractor throughout the Greater Calgary Area. Our commercial painting services are carried out with professionalism, leadership, extensive experience and trained applicators.

Industrial Coatings

YYC Prestige Painting also specializes in industrial coatings of projects of any size. We understand the handling of industrial coating products thoroughly and know what it takes to complete a project smoothly. We are trained to handle the demands of any industrial coating project, from epoxy coating on garage floors to roof coating of large scale industrial buildings.

Wood Refinishing

You could save yourself thousands of dollars by renewing your wood surfaces with a fresh coat of paint, stain or lacquer. Replacing your cabinets is an incredibly expensive choice. Painting your fence can be a tedious endeavor. Making sure these type of surfaces look perfect is a difficult task to undertake on your own. Choosing wood refinishing is a step towards increasing the value of your property without the expensive renovation.